Buying NFTs on IMVU
All users who can purchase VCOIN can purchase NFTs on IMVU. There may be some restrictions on countries and US states where VCOIN can be purchased or withdrawn. See full list here.
All users can send VCOIN, receive VCOIN, and convert VCOIN to Credits. VCOIN earned through Gigs or gifted by friends can be used to purchase NFTs on IMVU.
NFTs on IMVU have launched on IMVU Mobile and IMVU Desktop Beta. We’ve released around 100 unique NFT Exclusives made by IMVU Creators, which you can buy and resell right in the Shop here. Themes include Club, Play, Future, and more.
We’ll announce the upcoming new releases of Limited Edition NFTs by IMVU Creators on the Discover Feed and our Instagram.
You can buy NFTs on IMVU right in the Shop. The new NFT Exclusive Category will show you all of the NFT Exclusives and Limited Edition NFTs available on IMVU.
You can filter by NFT products and NFTs on IMVU also have a gold NFT badge similar to imvu+ and AP items.
You can also purchase NFTs on IMVU while you’re chatting with someone in a Live Room. If you see them wearing an NFT on IMVU, you can click/tap on the avatar or NFT badge next to their name to buy any of the NFTs on IMVU they are wearing which are listed for sale.
You can purchase NFTs on IMVU with VCOIN in two ways: you can (1) visit the NFT Exclusives category in the Shop or (2) select a user in a Live Room who is wearing and selling an NFT on IMVU.
Unlike regular items, you will only be able to buy one NFT Exclusive or Limited Edition NFT at a time. In the initial phases, you will not be allowed to gift NFTs on IMVU, but you can gift VCOIN.
NFT Exclusives are unique, one-of-a-kind items which can only be owned by one person.
Limited Edition NFTs are rare, collectible items which have a total quantity that is set and no more of that specific item design will be made afterwards.
When buying a Limited Edition NFT, the lowest priced NFT in the set will be displayed. You can only own one item from a Limited Edition NFT set at a time.
If the specific Limited Edition NFT that you are purchasing becomes unavailable before you finish buying, you will have the option to try and purchase an identical Limited Edition NFT in the same collection at the same price.
You can only buy one NFT Exclusive or Limited Edition NFT per transaction. Although Limited Edition NFTs have a total quantity greater than one, you can only own one Limited Edition NFT at a time.
These guidelines shouldn’t interfere with your shopping experience. These rules are in place to prevent users from having duplicate products and to give everyone a fair chance to buy NFTs on IMVU.
Yes. You are only restricted to buying or withdrawing VCOIN, but if it’s gifted to you, you can use it to buy NFTs on IMVU. You will also have the option to resell that NFT.
Note: If you resell an NFT on IMVU, the VCOIN you will receive from that sale cannot be withdrawn through Uphold. See the complete list of states and countries restricted in purchasing and withdrawing VCOIN here.
The initial sale price for NFTs on IMVU are determined by the Creator, and it must be priced at a minimum of 250 VCOIN ($1 USD). The future resale price is determined by the owner of the NFT on IMVU who chooses to resell it.
Just like any collectible item, the scarcity and variable demand for items will mean that the prices may change. It depends entirely on what the current owner chooses to set as the price and what is considered reasonable by the buyer.
We value your security, and want to ensure the highest quality of protection for your account. Therefore, for any transactions involving VCOIN, we require two-factor authentication. Learn how to set it up here.
VCOIN is IMVU’s first digital currency. Built on blockchain technology, VCOIN can be purchased, earned, and exchanged within the IMVU platform. Most importantly, it can be transferred off the platform and converted to real cash! Learn more about VCOIN here.
Your VCOIN Wallet displays the total amount of VCOIN in your IMVU account. You will be able to view the total amount of available VCOIN, your transaction history, and options to withdraw VCOIN to your Uphold account, buy more VCOIN, and send VCOIN as a gift to another user.
Uphold is a licensed and secure digital money platform that allows you to buy digital assets (such as cryptocurrency) after a stringent verification process. It is IMVU’s partner that allows you to convert cryptocurrencies, like VCOIN, to cash or other currencies.
Uphold can also link to your bank account and directly deposit funds once you have converted your digital assets into a local currency.
Immutable X is IMVU’s third party partner for NFTs. Through our partnership, all NFT Exclusives created and traded on IMVU will incur zero gas fees – meaning there is no processing fee when you make or verify NFT Exclusive transactions. Learn more about Immutable X here.
Your token ID is the unique serial number of your item.
The contract address points you towards the smart contract that underlies our NFT Exclusives transactions. This holds us accountable by letting you, the user, or Creator, see everything we’re doing on a website and a contract that we cannot edit. If the blockchain smart contract states that you would get a certain percentage every time someone resells your item, you can verify that it is happening and is correct.
A token standard is the set of rules that the smart contract uses when executing. All of our NFT Exclusives use the ERC-721 token standard and is the standard across the industry for defining and using NFTs. Others exist, but IMVU has chosen to go with the most well-understood and tested standard.
The sales history allows you to review all past transactions for an NFT on IMVU and see how much it previously sold for. In addition, you can see everyone who has owned it before you.
A smart contract is a piece of programming that lives on the blockchain and executes automatically, without the input of a centralized source. They are used to track ownership of digital items, similar to how property and vehicle titles are used to track ownership of physical items.
Because all transactions are recorded on a public blockchain, they are immutable and censorship resistant as no central part has rights to control or alter ownership.
On IMVU, smart contracts are primarily used to automatically guarantee royalties to Creators no matter whether the sale happens on our platform or somewhere else. If your creation is sold, you get a piece of it.